Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Olafur Eliasson

Please review for Thursday. Make notes to bring to class. Have questions and observations. We will have a discussion before we look at any visuals.

olafur eliasson

olafur eliasson - ted

weather project

weather project2

1 comment:

  1. Dealing with the complexities of space in reference to time and condition is what eliasson is all about. Using moment of the viewer to illustrate individuality on a universally connective level is a brilliant idea that adds a sense of experience to design that has been callus and lacking originality. The essence of bringing atmosphere and evoking none traditional sensory elements is revolutionary. Making the individual's movement through space dependent on how the piece is perceived is a creative way to engage the viewer into the subject. Although these excess layers of information can be distracting on an applicable level, given the right context and subject, sensory design can emphasize a concept/message to even greater understanding.
