Sunday, January 30, 2011

Future Projects

The final project will be open. Please consider collaboration as a way of realizing your project. It is a great way to differentiate expertise, share resources, brainstorm, and clarify ideas.

We need to nail down the schedule this week if possible.

Possible second projects :

Turn a space into an object
Turn an object into a space
Turn one space onto another (layer/exchange/make/re-make)
Activate a space (events in space)
The miniature/model

Thoughts and comments.


  1. I'm down for the last three!
    Less interested in the first two.

  2. Turn a space into an object
    Turn one space onto another (layer/exchange/make/re-make)
    Activate a space (events in space)

  3. I'm up for the object transformed into a space. This seems like it has a lot of potential for great ideas. We focus so much on the spaces that already exist, ones that we have experienced and know. The creation of new spaces could be pretty beautiful.

  4. Either the miniature/model or Activate a space (events in space). They seem like the two most interesting projects that would have unexpected/intriguing/challenging outcomes.
