Sunday, January 30, 2011

Possible Field Trips

Underground Gay Street
I have the # of the person in charge of the spaces under Gay Street. Left message. Will call again on Monday.

Mr Freezo on Central.
This is easy.

Still working on a place on campus.
No success yet. This is hard.

Any thoughts?

Does anybody know of an interesting space?

Does not need to be indoors.

Future Projects

The final project will be open. Please consider collaboration as a way of realizing your project. It is a great way to differentiate expertise, share resources, brainstorm, and clarify ideas.

We need to nail down the schedule this week if possible.

Possible second projects :

Turn a space into an object
Turn an object into a space
Turn one space onto another (layer/exchange/make/re-make)
Activate a space (events in space)
The miniature/model

Thoughts and comments.

Readings for Thursday, 3 February

I will send a PDF attachment through email of a few pages from the book Poetics of Space. Please read along with the two pages already assigned for Thursday. Come with notes, thoughts, and questions.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Poetics of Space and Of Other Space (1967), Heterotopias

Please read the two texts in the title that are new pages on the blog. Focus on the highlighted parts. Make notes and come to class with observations and questions.

We will go over the text on Tuesday, 1 February, after the project presentations.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Olafur Eliasson

Please review for Thursday. Make notes to bring to class. Have questions and observations. We will have a discussion before we look at any visuals.

olafur eliasson

olafur eliasson - ted

weather project

weather project2

Monday, January 17, 2011

For Thursday, 20 January Class

Please view the following webpages/videos on the links page. Make some notes and have questions/observations/insights as to how eliasson's work relates to the class and what aspects are for you the most compelling.

olafur eliasson
olafur eliasson - ted
weather project
weather project2

Saturday, January 15, 2011

For Tuesday, 18 February Class

For Tuesday please read the Inverted World pdf I will send via email and review the links below. I would like to start talking about the nature of space and how we will engage it in this class. Be prepared to start that conversation.

Inverted World is about a city that is being transported on tracks chasing an phenomena called the "optimum." Please read the text and take notes.

Two questions:
What does this have to do with space?
Why am I having you read this?

rachel whiteread
id #6

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Documentation of a Space

Choose a place to document. The space you choose does not have to be extraordinary. How you choose to document is what is the most important aspect.

Think of a way to represent the space through transformation.

Use a selection of essential elements inherent to the space.

Collaborate with class members. There is nearly an even mix between designers and media artists. At least one designer and one media artist in each collaboration group. There can be three members in a group.

Present a preliminary plan with visuals and speech (due 25 February).
This is a formal presentation with visuals, sketches, text, etc. Can be presented through projection or objects/images. You will make an convincing, compelling argument as the strength and viability of your project.

Present the final articulation (due 15 February)